High pressure water fog extinguishing system

Hospital Warmbad Villach

High pressure water fog extinguishing system for ventilation center

The SKA for Orthopaedics in Warmbad-Villach is the orthopaedic department of Villach Regional Hospital and, as a public hospital, is a specialised department for the treatment of disorders related to the musculoskeletal system. While the surgical ward of SKA Orthopaedics is located in the Villach Regional Hospital (LKH), the conservative ward and outpatient clinics are located in the SKA in Warmbad-Villach.

The newly installed high-pressure water mist extinguishing system protects the wooden structure of the ventilation centre located on the top floor. Using a smoke aspiration system (RAS) and fire detectors, the extinguishing system is activated at an early stage in the event of a fire and can fight fires as soon as they start. The gas-powered pump enables the extinguishing system to work completely independent of electricity and is therefore able to operate fully functional at all times. Another advantage of this type of pump is the fine atomisation of the water during the extinguishing attack, which means that fires can be extinguished with extremely little water and major damage can be avoided.


Warmbader Krankenanstalten GmbH

Warmbad Villach

Execution period:

07/2023 – 09/2023

Scope of supply:

  • Design and engineering of the entire system
  • Installation of the entire extinguishing system technology

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